How Aussie are You?

Posted on 18 June 2010. Filed under: Memes | Tags: |

I pinched this meme from Reading Upside Down who found this meme at Tina Gray {dot} Me, who apparently borrowed it from Flawed. It’s like the circle of life, but with blog content rather than cute animated Disney characters. I don’t normally do meme’s but I thought this was fun.

Well, here we go, I’ve highlighted all the one’s I’ve completed and added some extra comments in brackets here and there (you might want to remove these if you copy & paste the list for your blog). I have a score of 53/102, which is way better than I expected but there were very few sport questions.

How many of these things have you done?

1. Heard a kookaburra in person. (My OH had his steak stolen from his plate one night while camping and then fended off another one with his elbow when it tried to take some from my plate)
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Seen a koala.
4. Visited Melbourne. (I live in Melbourne, does that count?)
5. Watched a summer thunderstorm.
6. Worn a pair of thongs. (Can’t say I enjoyed the experience)
7. Been to Uluru (Ayer’s Rock)
8. Visited Cape York.
9. Held a snake.
10. Sang along with Khe San. (only on the radio)
11. Drank VB. (possibly but I’m not prepared to mark it as I don’t know, I’m not really a beer drinker)
12. Visited Sydney.
13. Have seen a shark.
14. Have used Aussie (and NZ) slang naturally in a conversation.
15. Had an actual conversation with an indigenous Australian (Aboriginal).
16. Eaten hot chips from the bag at the beach.
17. Walked/climbed over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
18. Used an outside dunny, and checked under the seat before sitting down. (We had an outside dunny when I was young, I recall using it with great trepidation and I know we had red back spiders in that general area)
19. Seen Chloe in Young & Jackson’s.
20. Slept on an overnight train or bus.
21. Been to Sydney’s Mardi Gras
22. Have gone bush-bashing.
23. Taken a sickie.
24. Been to see a game of Aussie Rules football.
25. Have seen wild camels.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Done a Tim Tam Slam.
28. Ridden in a tram in Melbourne.
29. Been at an ANZAC day Dawn Service.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Held a wombat. (Had a baby wombat climb into my lap and try to snuggle in for a sleep in Tasmania)
32. Been on a roadtrip of 800km or more.
33. Seen the Great Australian Bight in person.
34. Had a really bad sunburn.
35. Visited an Aboriginal community.
36. Seen a redback spider. (far too many times)
37. Have watched Paul Hogan.
38. Seen Blue Poles in person. (and wondered why I didn’t do the same thing, we could use the money)
39. Wandered barefoot in the bush/outback.
40. Eaten Vegemite.
41. Thrown a boomerang. (it didn’t come, I’m a bit incompetent)
42. Seen the Kimberleys.
43. Given a hitch-hiker a lift.
44. Been to Perth.
45. Have tried Lemon, Lime and Bitters.
46. Tried playing a didgeridoo.
47. Seen dinosaur footprints.
48. Eaten Tim Tams. (it doesn’t say ‘enjoyed Tim Tams’ so I do get to bold this one, I don’t actually like them)
49. Been to Darwin.
50. Touched a kangaroo.
51. Visted the Great Barrier Reef.
52. Listened to Kevin Bloody Wilson.
53. Killed a Cane Toad.
54. Gone to a drive-in theatre. (my aunt lived next to one so as well as actually attending one we could watch the move from her driveway, I saw Herbie, The Love Bug from her driveway)
55. Have read and own books by Australian authors. (I’m a big supporter of the Australian writing industry)
56. Visited Adelaide.
57. Know the story behind “Eternity”.
58. Been camping. (We were camping when the kookaburra took my OH’s steak)
59. Visited Brisbane.
60. Been in an outback pub.
61. Know what the term “Waltzing Matilda” actually means. (I used to know this, but I’ve forgotten)
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Listened to Slim Dusty
64. Own five or more Australian movies or TV series. (If I’m able to include the Countdown Reunion, two series of Aunty Jack (I also have the record of Aunty Jack which I bought in the 1970s) and 3 series of Chaser then I just squeak it in)
65. Sang along to Down Under.
66. Have stopped specifically to look at an historic marker by the side of the road. (mostly dragged over to look at historial markers)
67. Eaten a 4′n’20 pie.
68. Surfed at Bondi.
69. Watched the cricket on Boxing Day.
70. Visited Hobart. (attended a conference in Hobart)
71. Eaten kangaroo.
72. Seen a quokka.
73. Visited Canberra. (for my sins)
74. Visited rainforests.
75. Used a Victa lawnmower.
76. Travelled on a tram in Adelaide. (I missed out on this one as I was the driver and met the tram at the other end, they only travelled one way)
77. Used a Hills hoist.
78. Visited Kata Tjuta
79. Used native Australian plants in cooking.
80. Visited the snow.
81. Chosen a side in Holden VS Ford. (they’re just cars, why the debate?)
82. Visited the desert.
83. Been water skiing
84. Read The Phantom.
85. Visited Parliament House.
86. Gone spotlighting or pig-shooting.
87. Crossed the Nullarbor.
88. Avoided swimming in areas because of crocodiles.
89. Listened to AC/DC.
90. Called someone a dag.
91. Voted in a Federal Election.
92. Have been swimming and stayed between the flags.
93. Had a possum in your roof.
94. Visited the outback.
95. Travelled over corrugated roads.
96. Hit a kangaroo while driving. (No, thanks heavens)
97. Been well outside any mobile phone coverage.
98. Seen an emu. (had an emu try to pinch our lunch. Did you know you only have to be taller than them to scare them off?)
99. Have woken to the smell of bushfires.
100. Subscribed to RRR.
101. Patted a pure-bred dingo.
102. Seen the Oils live.

If you use this meme on your blog, come back and leave a comment, or go back to Reading Upside Down and leave a comment there.

6 Responses to “How Aussie are You?”

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Holdens are “just cars”? Oh dear! I used to live in Orange, just a stone’s throw from Mt Panorama in Bathurst. I think such a comment could actually be a criminal offence in Bathurst when ‘The Race’ is on.

Like you, I’m lucky that there weren’t more sport questions or I would have failed my ‘Aussie-ness’ test miserably.

I know, I’m in trouble for my lack of sporting interests and car knowledge. People often don’t believe I was born in Melbourne.

What a great list! as a fairly new Australian I’m slowly getting through it 🙂 Love all your comments in brackets!

Just want to welcome you to Australia. The most important one is Vegemite, it’s really important you eat Vegemite.

I’ve added this meme on my blog. 🙂 My score was 60 / 102. You would be pretty darn Aussie if you got ’em all hey!

I agree, it’s something I’m not.

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