Good Omens – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

Posted on 31 January 2010. Filed under: Book Reviews | Tags: , , |

Here is the first of Terry Pratchett Reading Challenge 2010 books. I chose Good Omens, which Pratchett co-wrote with Neil Gaiman, for the very complex reason that it was more easily reached than any other. The basic premise is that armageddon is about to happen, we have an angel and a devil on Earth and they have been on Earth for such a long time they’ve started behaving more like human beings and of course that just adds to the fun.

This was a reread for me and I couldn’t help noticing how much more I enjoyed it this time. I always find that rereading a Pratchett book opens new doors for me as I learn more about people and learn more about history and geography. The more I experience the more I find the books have changed for me. This book was no exception, I still enjoyed Aziraphale’s bookshop and wished I could have some of the same books, I thoroughly enjoyed the passage about the misprints. The part near the end about the final battle which I found so confusing last time, however, was just as confusing this time.

There are a number of concepts that both Pratchett and Gaiman are attacking with fervour such as the weight loss industry and the fashion industry, they show both industries in a very bad light. They spend far more time on the weight loss industry and made total fun of it.

Anyway, would I recommend it to people? Does a fish swim? I always recommend Pratchett to people he’s suitable for most readers. However, as this is also Gaiman it’s a bit blacker than normal Pratchett books and so you have to be aware of that if you’re a younger reader or if you’re looking for books for younger readers.

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